You can add special actions by clicking the [+] button at the top right of the [Test Steps] panel in the Reliv Editor.

The types of special actions include:

  • Check actions: Assertions that verify if the current state matches the expected state.
    • isVisible: Checks if a specific element is visible on the screen.
      Upon adding, select the target element on the browser screen to complete the action addition.
    • isEqualTo: Checks if the current text of a specific element matches.
      Upon adding, select the target element on the browser screen to complete the action addition.
  • Add actions
    • Custom Action: Define a custom action by writing your own code.
    • Action Block: Adds an action block consisting of frequently used steps.
    • Browser Action: Browser actions.
      • Click: Clicks a specific element.
        Upon adding, select the target element on the browser screen to complete the action addition.
      • Hover: Place mouse cursor over a specific element.
        Upon adding, select the target element on the browser screen to complete the action addition.
      • Navigate: Navigates to a specific URL.
      • Reload: Refreshes the current page.
    • Add Variable: Adds a variable for storing repeating text or function return values.