You can integrate with CI pipelines using the REST API.

1. Using the REST API

You can trigger a Test Run and query its results using the REST API.

Please refer to the REST API Usage guide.

2. Github Actions

To use the example below as is, RELIV_API_KEY must be registered in Github Secrets.

You can change the env to whatever environment you wish to use.

Additionally, to prevent it from running indefinitely due to unforeseen reasons, a timeout of 10 minutes has been set. You can adjust this as needed.

- name: Trigger Reliv Tests
  id: trigger-reliv-tests
  run: |
      curl -s -X POST '' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.RELIV_API_KEY }}' \
      -d '{"env": "default"}'
    echo "testRunSetId=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq --raw-output '.testRunSetId')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

- name: Check Reliv E2E Test Status
  timeout-minutes: 10
  run: |
    while true; do
        curl -s -X GET '${{ steps.trigger-reliv-tests.outputs.testRunSetId }}' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.RELIV_API_KEY }}'
      STATUS=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq --raw-output '.status')
      case $STATUS in
          echo "Test Status: SUCCESS"
          exit 0
          echo "Test Status: FAIL"
          exit 1
          echo "Test Status: $STATUS. Waiting for completion..."
      sleep 10 # check every 10 seconds

3. Jenkins

To use the example below as is, reliv-api-key must be registered in Jenkins credentials.

You can change the env to whatever environment you wish to use.

Additionally, to prevent it from running indefinitely due to unforeseen reasons, a timeout of 10 minutes has been set. You can adjust this as needed.

pipeline {
  environment {
      RELIV_API_KEY = credentials('reliv-api-key') // Use Jenkins credentials
  stages {
    stage('Trigger Reliv Tests') {
      steps {
        script {
          def response = sh(
            script: "curl -s -X POST '' \
                      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                      -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${env.RELIV_API_KEY}' \
                      -d '{\"env\": \"default\"}'",
            returnStdout: true

          def responseJson = readJSON text: response
          env.TEST_RUN_SET_ID = responseJson.testRunSetId
    stage('Check Reliv E2E Test Status') {
      steps {
        script {
          timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') {
            while (true) {
              def response = sh(
                script: "curl -s -X GET '${env.TEST_RUN_SET_ID}' \
                          -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${env.RELIV_API_KEY}'",
                returnStdout: true

              def responseJson = readJSON text: response

              if (responseJson.status == 'SUCCESS') {
                echo 'Test Status: SUCCESS'
              } else if (responseJson.status == 'FAIL') {
                error('Test Status: FAIL')
              } else {
                echo "Test Status: ${responseJson.status}. Waiting for completion..."
                sleep time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS'